Put away money to buy tickets in October for the 2012 Brisbane International - have not done this yet
Paint the house - nearly finished
Have a BBQ or similar social event at least once a month here at the house - why yes we have :-)
Get my teeth re-bonded - dentist appt tomorrow
Reply to text messages and phone calls right away instead of 5 days later when I remember getting better
Create a reasonable Christmas Lights display
Go for a walk once a week no comment
Go somewhere on the plane - I have been literally blown away by sudden offers of work intra and inter-state. So far I've turned down Mackay but have accepted Maryborough and Sydney. I'm off soon for my first flight in a good few years and I'm excited.
Network more (work) - yep
Plan birthday parties for both the kids - One down one to go
De-clutter the playroom once and for all half done
Achieve 100 followers by the end of 2011 (thanks Lauren)
Sort out our computing needs
So that's my list, how is yours going?